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Jun 28, 2022

Custom Fields support for Tasks

  • Custom Fields
  • Tasks

Today we introduce custom fields for tasks in Kitchen. Previously, custom fields were applicable only on project level, and now you can use them to add additional information about tasks in your boards.

To use this feature go to a task in your workspace, and click on the “Add field” link above the task description. Choose “Manage Custom Fields” to create new field:

  • Choose field name – just make sure that it’s unique and doesn’t conflict with other custom fields in your workspace
  • Choose the type of custom field — currently there are 5 types of custom fields you can create:
    1. Text: can store arbitrary text content
    2. Number: can store decimal number
    3. Boolean: fields are rendered as checkboxes that are either checked or unchecked
    4. Date
    5. List: allows you to define a list of possible values for the custom field value, for example the type of a task – bug, additional request, or change.
  • Go back to the task and add the custom field to it
  • Once you associate the custom field with a task, all tasks in the board will have it available for you to assign values. This will make all tasks in the board feel consistent