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Law Firms

Transform Your Legal Practice

Intuitive and secure online platform that empowers lawyers to collaborate and communicate with clients, access and manage case-related information, and streamline their workflow.

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Why Kitchen.co

Achieve Greater Client Satisfaction

Streamline your workflow, boost productivity, and deliver exceptional client service!

Improved client communication

Transform the way you communicate and collaborate with clients.

Secure data

Provide secure data sharing and storage, ensuring confidentiality, and privacy of sensitive client information.

Efficient case management

Access and manage case-related information such as legal documents, contracts, and case notes, making the process faster, more efficient, and error-free.

Enhanced collaboration

Collaborate with clients, legal teams, and other stakeholders in real-time, streamlining communication, and improving the quality of legal services.


Save time by automating administrative tasks such as invoicing, and billing freeing up more time to focus on core legal work.

Accessible anytime, anywhere

Communicate with clients anytime, from anywhere, and on any device.

Improved document management

Manage and share legal documents more effectively, reducing the risk of document loss, errors, and delays.

Increased client satisfaction

Provide clients with easy access to legal services, fast response times, and clear communication.

Trusted by agencies managing 100+ client projects daily
All-in-One Solution

How Kitchen helps


Arrange & Organize Everything

Everything in the kitchen.co is organized in a structure of folders, similar to those on your computer, so you will feel right at home. This flexible organization allows you to shape your workspace to suit your exact business needs.

Key Features:
  • Nested Folders. Create a multi-layered structure of folders within folders and organize your data with precision and clarity.
  • Color Coding. Create a visual language that resonates with you and represents different categories, projects, or priorities.
  • Share any folder. Take charge of your folders by selectively sharing them with the perfect collaborators, ensuring optimal privacy, security, and collaboration.

Keep all
conversations tidy

Stay on top of every update, question, request, and compliment that comes your way. Communicate, collaborate, send internal messages, share important notes, and amp up productivity like never before.

Key Features:
  • Streamlined communication. Channels interactions between your team and clients, fostering efficient information exchange & transparent discussions.
  • Collaborate with clients and team. Choose between keeping the discussion private within your company or inviting clients to participate.
  • Works with email. Experience the convenience of effortless information capture as client replies to your emails seamlessly sync with kitchen.co

Kanban Boards for every workflow

Keep track of tasks and assign responsibilities with ease. Collaborate in real-time with your team and clients and allow them to assign tasks, report statuses, and post updates on shared kanban boards.

Key Features:
  • Enhanced visual clarity Allow teams and clients to easily understand the status of tasks, identify bottlenecks, and optimize workflow efficiency.
  • Transparency. Facilitate collaboration by providing a shared view of tasks and fostering transparency.
  • Flexibility and adaptability. Allow clients and team to easily adjust and reprioritize work as needed, enabling agility in response to changing project requirements or shifting priorities.

Exchange files with clients and team

Create folders and sub-folders and keep files organized and in one place.

Key Features:
  • Client Uploads. Let clients upload files too.
  • File Previews. View previews of image files and PDFs, DOCs, PSDs, XDs, and more.
  • Large Files. Upload files up to 1GB.
  • Works with GoogleDrive, Dropbox, and OneDrive.

Documents made easy

Create beautiful docs, store them in a place where people can easily find them, and keep everything organized.

Key Features:
  • Centralize your documents. Provide easy access and efficient organization, enabling you and your clients to find and review important documents quickly and effectively.
  • Simple and effective. Give team and clients access to efficient tool for crafting documents, empowering you to streamline your workflow and enhance productivity in a simple and effective manner.
  • Be on the same page (literally). Align team and clients by sharing documents for a unified viewing experience, allowing everyone to access and review the content.
Invoicing & Payments

Invoice easily

Create, customize, and send a Kitchen-hosted invoice in minutes. Add line items, and tax rates directly to your invoices. Get paid via Stripe, PayPal, and more.

Key Features:
  • One-time invoices
  • Recurring invoices & automatic payments
  • Get paid via your payment processor. Kitchen.co supports Stripe, Square, PayPal, Razorpay, and 2checkout.
  • Integrates with your accounting tool. FreshBooks, FreeAgent, QuickBooks and Xero are supported.
Embed Tabs

Bring in your favorite tools, too

With Embed Tabs, you can easily embed your favorite apps to every project. Share important docs like project briefs or contracts. Or, welcome your clients with quick Loom videos.

Here's what you can embed:
  • Docs. Google Docs, SpreadSheets, Slides, and Forms.
  • Calendars. Google Calendars, Calendly.
  • Designs. Figma, InVision.
  • Videos. YouTube, Vimeo, Loom.
  • And any other app that supports embedding.
File Feedback & Approvals

Discuss visuals and get approvals

Post comments directly on images, pdfs, and videos, and collaborate on visuals with your clients and team. Streamline your process for feedback and approvals.

Branding & White-labeling

Make Kitchen truly yours

Customize Kitchen to fit your brand. Feel right at home when you log in.

Key Features:
  • White-label. Hide Kitchen's branding completely. No one will know what platform you use.
  • Custom Domain. Point your own domain to Kitchen.co
  • Logo and Branding. Upload your logo, create your own color theme, and make Kitchen yours.
  • Unbranded notifications. Remove Kitchen's branding and make notifications look just like regular email messages.

Put the process back
into your creative process

There’s a better way to help your team and keep up with clients. (It’s called Kitchen.)

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Kitchen.co is what Slack wishes it could be: highly collaborative but without all the disruption. It's changed the way we interact with clients, contractors and employees at every level of our projects.
Matthew Dandurand

CEO @ Media Contour

Get Started Today

Change the way you
work with clients forever

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