Manage thousands of conversations in one space
Never miss who said what. lets you get a handle on every conversation for new and current projects.
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Project communication
Keep all conversations tidy
Stay on top of every update, question, request, and compliment that comes your way.

One Page for Everything
See it all on one tab
Everyone on your team can easily access whatever they need without jumping from window to window.
Team Members
Know who’s in charge of every project.
See who’s part of what project, and give clients the updates they want.
Bill Tracking
Know what's paid and what's due without a single spreadsheet or accounting software.
Organize all your project files in the right conversations.

Team Collaboration
Get things done together
Send internal messages, share important notes about clients and projects, and amp up productivity like never before.

Project Discussion
Finally have productive discussions
Share and discuss the finer details with your team so no one’s left behind.
Large Attachments
Attach files up to 250MB to any outgoing messages or internal notes.
File Previews
View previews of PDFs, documents, and design files attached to every message.
Location tracking
See where your clients are located so you’re not pinging them at 2 am.
Delivery status
Know when clients open and read every message you send.
Prep messages ahead of time, or get back to it later. Kitchen will autosave as you type.
Add bold, italics, lists and images, and anything else to format your messages.

Make projects make sense again
Stay clear, cool, and in control of every project with Kitchen.
No credit card required, cancel any time
Automate and Optimize
Leave the busy work behind
Put tedious, time-sucking tasks on autopilot and get back to getting things done.
Routing Rules
Set specific rules for events, and trigger actions that will automate the way you work.
Get notifications sent straight to wherever you and your team touch base.
Saved Replies
Give your fingers a break from typing the same replies over and over. Use your saved ones instead.
Snooze messages and respond to them later. Kitchen will nudge you later to reply.

Get Started Today
Change the way you
work with clients forever
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